Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Inanimate objects and spaces that speak of the human presence that inhabited them a while before. The clothes on the line smell of the soap and the water on the hands that washed them. The crinkled sheet follows the form of the body that lay on it a while ago. It is only after the dialogue is over that the story emerges.

An ongoing project.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Candid Posing

'Candid' shots, was what I had set out to capture through my lens for a portraiture assignment. Candid 'poses' was what I got.

We are never truly not-posing. In this age of digicams and phone cameras, where every single outing with friends and every new hairdo is exhibited on facebook and orkut for comments and appreciation from friends and family, we are more than ever aware of a camera staring at us on our face.

I found that I was asking my subjects to be candid, and in being candid, they were in some strangely contradictory way actually doing quite the opposite. They were posing.

Some of these pictures are of people I know, some of these are not. But in each of them, there is a wall between me and the subject - the camera. Only when this wall is removed, will the picture truly be candid.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Shadow Forms

My tryst with the camera started but a few months ago, and the very first place that i visited was Jantar Mantar in the capital. The light was harsh, and so were the lines of the monument. What fascinated me most were the shadows produced by the play of both. It is this play of shadows and form that I have tried to capture through my amateur eye.